Ina Boltz (Ina Diane Clement) from Richmond, VA, currently resides in Tucson, AZ. Ina is an Autodidact artist, uses vision and experimental techniques to create predominately Abstract Expressionist works. She has exhibited extensively and her art lives in private collections worldwide.
My brain is like a blender for visions. I get a vision, more of a feeling in my head and I work to the vision. Literally techniques evolve as I work to meet the vision as it feels in my unconscious.
"Balance Without Symmetry". I'm finished with a piece when it feels balanced or when it meets the vision, and feels balanced. I'm a Libra, what can I say.
This is an inspiring autobiographical memoir. The abuse from the age of four, the survival skills, lessons, childhood dreams, inspirational insights, as to WTF happened and outliving it all to realize success and happiness as a mother and artist.
Available on Amazon in paperback AND on Kindle
IF you want an autographed copy you can purchase through Paypal and tell me what inscription you would like. =)
Thank you all!
For an autographed copy you may buy direct, for a personal autograph and an inscription if you wish. My email is